Sunday, February 23, 2003

A War for Bananas? - Part VIII, ThugPolitik-- Full Spectrum Dominance

Part VIII of Woodchip's featured series on U.S. Middle Policy concludes with a peek at America's new Thug Politik . [ READ ]


Saturday, February 22, 2003

A War for Bananas? - Part VII, Oil and Water - The Israeli Factor

Part VII of Woodchip Gazette's feature on U.S. Middle East policy takes a look at Israeli' interests in the region and its influence on American strategies. [ READ ]


Friday, February 21, 2003

A War for Bananas? - Part VI, When First You Fail, Try.... What?

Part VI of our featured series on U.S. Middle East policy examines the interests and manoeuvering of oil companies. [ READ ]


Thursday, February 20, 2003

A War for Bananas? - Part V, Politics on the Stump and the Politics of the Pump

Part V of Woodchip's series on U.S. Middle East policy, examines the domestic politics and propaganda of the issue. [READ ]


Wednesday, February 19, 2003

A War for Bananas? - Part IV, Iraq

Part IV of Woodchip Gazette's series on U.S. Middle East policy takes a look at the oil reserves and pipelines in Iraq. [ READ ]


Tuesday, February 18, 2003

A War for Bananas? - Part III - An Afghanistan Sharing Our Values

Part III of Woodchip's featured series on Middle East policy examines the U.S. presence in Afghanistan. [ READ ]


Monday, February 17, 2003

A War for Bananas? - Part II, Caspi-Stan & The Eternal Pillars of Fire

Part II of Woodchip Gazette's seried-feature on Middle East policy takes a look at the oil and gas pipelines in the region. [ READ ]


Sunday, February 16, 2003

A War for Bananas? - Part I, Peeling the Options

In Part I of an eight-part feature, Woodchip Gazette examines the political and economic motives behind U.S., policy in the Middle East and the looming war on Iraq. [ READ ]
