Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Valentine's Day Massacre of Rights and Freedoms

Trudeau's despotic declaration of a state of emergency is a sad day for the rule of law in Canada. That it was declared legally is as irrelevant as the fact that the Law for the Protection of Folk and Reich (1933) was also legally enacted. Freedom and Due Process are sides of a single coin; when one is suspended so is the other.

Chipster discusses the rhetorical tricks resorted to by Trudeau and the culture of political correctness which has both enabled and acculturated Canadians to despotic measures, which are now the latest steps being taken to advance the apparatus of the Security State in the name of decency and safety.  [read]

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Oh English, English, where art Thou?

Over the past several weeks the western mudia, led by the New York Slime, has been shrieking -- quite literally shrieking -- that Russia could invade Ukraine, imminently, any moment now... Why it is even likely that Russia might invade....

[ read on ]

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Self-Sanctifying Imbeciles attack Free Speech (again)

Chipster rails against the AGRO-PIETY of Puppet Boy Trudy and his gang of NGO thought police. [ read ]