Monday, March 27, 2023

More Medicine! More Medicine!

Chipster comments on the latest "mass shooting." [ read ]


Sunday, March 12, 2023

Still Trying to Sweat?

The Sun reports that King Charles is refusing to pay the £35,000 a year it costs for Prince Andrew's Indian yoga instructor to come to the palace to twist, stretch and massage the prince. ...

Still trying to work up a sweat, eh Andy?

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Throwing Tulips at Tigers

(or the Right to a Return on one's Labor)

Woodchip examines the impotence of progressive politics. [ read ]

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Washington's Latest Fad: Spurious Outrage & the Subversion of Justice

Led by a salivating, sputtering, senawhore Schumer, the Upper Crusti, of both parties and the media have taken after Tucker Carlson for releasing previously suppressed footage of the January 6th riot at the Capitol. Swimming in their own outrage, they are could care less that an innocent man was scapegoated in what is now shown to have been a political show trial. [ read ]


Mexico: A Case Study in Gun Control

Want a Gun Free Country? Why just look at Mexico! Chipster discusses the socio-economic hypocrisy underlying the liberal Gun Control Fetish. [ here ]


Thursday, March 2, 2023

An Unasked Question

Chipster ponders the implications of San Salvador's new Human Warehouse.  [read]